![[ Index ]](icons/index-button-p.gif)
![[ Anonymity ]](icons/anon-button.gif)
![[ Privacy ]](icons/priv-button.gif)
![[ Security ]](icons/secur-button.gif)
![[ Search ]](icons/search-button.gif)
Anonymity and privacy on the Internet
On this site you will find information on how to be
anonymous, and how to secure your communications and files from third
parties, as well as several other important security aspects that may
arise when you are on the Internet.
This site will not be updated anymore. I am in the process of moving
all the content to my new site Ius
mentis. Links will change automatically.
There are many
reasons to hide your real identity when you use the
Internet. You might want to protect yourself against an oppressive
government, or post personal messages to a Usenet newsgroup without
identifying yourself to the whole world as the poster.
The anonymity section covers
instructions and explanations on how to be anonymous on the Net. Several
options are available, ranging from simple pseudonymous servers
such as anon.penet.fi to the almost
impregnable anonymity offered by Mixmaster
Although everyone takes privacy in normal life for granted, trying to get
the same level of privacy on the Internet (or even on your own computer)
is a little less accepted, and sometimes a bit more complicated. While
the general attitude his hard to change, many ways exist to enhance
your privacy online.
The Privacy index lists programs such as
PGP and Securedrive to keep the contents of files
secure. It also discusses other aspects of electronic privacy.
When dealing with computers, security and privacy are almost synonyms.
This explains why the security index
has some overlap with the privacy section. However, protecting your
site against unauthorized intruders is also an important aspect of
This section offers programs to wipe sensitive files,
crack encrypted files and to
choose good passwords. It also lists
various FAQs and indices for security protocols.
Last modified: 26 Jan 1997
Author: Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet
Comments: galactus@stack.nl
This document was generated with Orb v1.3 for OS/2.