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Anonymity: Remailers: WWW Interfaces
A convenient, but not very secure, way to send anonymous messages is
with a form in an HTML document. The following sites all offer you
to send mail to someone anonymously, often even with the ability to
choose the remailers to use.
This is not as secure as composing the message off-line. Your message
and the final recipient are sent unencrypted to the WWW server used,
so anyone listening in on your connection to this server knows who
you are mailing.

Java-based WWW remailer
WWW Remailer at RePlAy (using SSL)
WWW Remailer at RePlAy
Anonymity: Remailers: Cypherpunk remailers
- Cypherpunk remailers (sometimes referred to as "Type I") simply take your
message, strip off all headers and send it to the intended recipient.
This means that no one will be able to reply in e-mail to your
message, but it gives you an almost intraceable way of sending messages.
Anonymity: Remailers: Mixmaster remailers
- Mixmaster remailers, also known as "Type II" remailers, were
designed to be even more secure than cypherpunk
remailers. Most of the attacks that work against Type I remailers
are useless against Mixmaster remailers. It requires a special client
to compose messages.
Security: Encryption: Pretty Good Privacy
- PGP is a file encryption program which is generally considered unbreakable.
It is used extensively on the Internet, available for almost every platform
and is required for anonymous remailers. It
can also create digital signatures, which makes it easy to detect forgeries.
Last modified: 22 Mar 1997
Author: Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet
Comments: galactus@stack.nl
This document was generated with Orb v1.3 for OS/2.